Davis Lisboa | Storyboarder e Ilustrador en Barcelona
Ilustrador Publicitario, Dibujante de Storyboard y Pintor Figurativo
Davis Lisboa (São Paulo, Brasil, 1965) afincado en Barcelona desde 1986, trabaja como storyboarder, ilustrador publicitario freelance y pintor artístico, borrando las fronteras entre las artes aplicadas y las artes plásticas, la alta y baja cultura, el arte y el mercado, la artesanía y la tecnología. Davis ofrece su experiencia en la creación de shooting boards,storyboards, y layouts, así como ilustraciones originales. Como pintor, sus obras se venden tanto en galerías de arte online,Saatchi Art, como offline,DCS Contemporary ubicada en Karlsruhe, Alemania. Desde 2020, también educa a futuras generaciones de storyboard artist a través de su curso Ilustración de Storyboard con Procreate en Domestika. Es el creador del innovador Davis Museum Barcelona, un microespacio dedicado al fomento del arte contemporáneo, una entidad cultural reconocida por la Generalitat de Catalunya. Este proyecto, exhibido en el Arnolfini, Bristol, Reino Unido, ha sido tema destacado en el blog de El País.
Advertising Illustrator, Storyboard Artist, and Figurative Painter
Davis Lisboa (São Paulo, Brazil, 1965), based in Barcelona since 1986, works as a storyboarder, freelance advertising illustrator, and artistic painter, blurring the boundaries between applied arts and fine arts, high and low culture, art and the market, craftsmanship and technology. Davis offers his expertise in creating shooting boards,storyboards, and layouts, as well as original illustrations. As a painter, his works are sold both in online art galleries, such as Saatchi Art, and offline, at DCS Contemporary located in Karlsruhe, Germany. Since 2020, he has also been educating future generations of storyboard artists through his course Storyboard Illustration with Procreate on Domestika. He is the creator of the innovative Davis Museum Barcelona, a microspace dedicated to promoting contemporary art, a cultural entity recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya. This project, exhibited at Arnolfini, Bristol, United Kingdom, has been a featured topic on the blog of El País.
Sobre la foto
Davis Lisboa, retratado por el fotógrafo Pep Ávila en Barcelona, 2016.