Una buena idea requiere un
storyboard de calidad. Para esbozar rápidamente una
narrativa visual de tu anuncio y dar vida a tu concepto publicitario, la asistencia de un
storyboarder es fundamental. Mediante un
storyboard a color, podrás no solo mostrar el
storytelling, es decir, la trama de tu anuncio, sino también hacer tangible tu concepto. Davis te proporcionará representaciones visuales cautivadoras, que plasmarán cómo lucirá tu idea en el
spot de tu campaña publicitaria. Programa una videollamada a través de Google Meet para hablar sobre tu proyecto. Explica, atrae, persuade y convence a tu cliente. ¡Aprueba tu idea a la primera!
Precio por viñeta: 55 €.
Storyboard Examples: Visualize the Narration of Your Advertising Spot
A great idea requires a high-quality
storyboard. To quickly sketch a visual narrative for your advertisement and bring your concept to life, the expertise of a
storyboard artist is indispensable. By utilizing a full-color storyboard, you will be able to not only present the
storytelling — the narrative of your advertisement — but also concretize your concept. Davis will create captivating visual representations, showcasing how your idea will look in the spot for your advertising campaign. Schedule a video call via Google Meet to discuss the specifics of your project. Explain, attract, persuade, and win over your client. Get your idea approved on the first try!
Each panel costs €55.